Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Metalúrgica
Publicações 2017-2020
Castro, J.A., de Medeiros, G.A., de Oliveira, E.M., Nogami, H., A comprehensive modeling as a tool for developing new mini blast furnace technologies based on biomass and hydrogen operation, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2020, 6, 281–293 ,
Romero, Sergio A., Moreira, Adir J., Landgraf, Fernando F. G., de Campos, Marcos F., Abnormal coercivity behavior and magnetostatic coupling in SmCoCuFeZr magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020, 514,
Almeida Jr. D.A., Rios, P.R., Zöllner, Sandim, H.R.Z., Abnormal grain growth in thin wires of commercially pure iron with anisotropic microstructure, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(5), 11099-11110, ,
Campos, Marcos F., Achievements in micromagnetic techniques of steel plastic stage evaluation, Advances in Materials Science, 2020, 16-55,
Quinelato, F.P., Garção, W.J.L., Paradela, K.G., Sales, R.C., Baptista, L.A.,S., Ferreira, A.F., An experimental investigation of continuous casting process: effect of pouring temperatures on the macrosegregation and macrostructure in steel slab, Materials Research, 23(4),
Castro, J.A., Silva, L.M., de Medeiros, G.A., de Oliveira, E.M., Nogami, H., Analysis of a compact iron ore sintering process based on agglomerated biochar and gaseous fuels using a 3d multiphase multicomponent mathematical model, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(3), 6001-6013,
Junior, C.F.L., Machado, G.S.A, Mendes, P.S.N., Mendes, Mendes, P.S.N., Huguenin, J.A.O., Ferreira, E.A., Silva, L., Analysis of copper and zinc alloy surface by exposure to alcohol aqueous solutions and sugarcane liquor, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9 (2), 2545-2556,
Baptista, L.A.S., Paradela, K.G., Junior, P.F., Sales, R.C., Dantas, B.S., Ferreira, A.F., Analysis of microsegregation in al-si-cu ternary alloys: interdependence of solute composition at the solubility limit during non-equilibrium solidification, Materials Research, 2020, 23(6),
Sá, G.M.S., Ventura, H.S., Assis, W.L.S., Villa, E., Rios, P.R., Analytical modeling and computer simulation of the transformation of ellipsoids nucleated on random parallel planes, Materials Research, 2020, 23(4),
Bezerra, B.N., Ferreira, D.J.S., Ferreira, A.F., Garcia, A., Ferreira, I.L., Application of a phase field model to multicomponent Al-Cu-Si alloys, Materials Research, 2020, 23(4),
Campos, M.F., Castro, J.A., Calculation of recoil curves in isotropic and anisotropic Stoner-Wohlfarth materials, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 56 (3), 1-4,
Santos, C., Habibe, A.F., Simba, B.G., Lins, J.F.C., Freitas, B.X., Nunes, C.A., CoCrMo-base alloys for dental applications obtained by selective laser melting (slm) and cad/cam milling, Materials Research, 23(2),
Ventura, H. S., Sá, G.M.S., Duarte, A.C.L., Assis, W.L.S., Rios, P.R., Computer simulation in 3D of a phase transformation nucleated by simple sequential inhibition process, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9 (1), 152-161,
Deus, V.S., Castro, J.A., Correa, S.R., Correlation among the input thermal parameters and thermography measurements data of the resistance seam welding, Materials Research, 2020, 23(1),
Gonçalves, F.V., Leite, D.N.F., Castro, J.A., Correlation between voids ratio and characteristic responses to ultrasonic pulses through sandy soils, Journal of Materials Science Research, 2020, 9(3), 13-20,
Santos, R.O., Pereira, A.B., Butuc, M., Vincze, G., Festas, A.J., Moreira, L.P., Development of a device compatible with a universal testing machine to perform both hole expansion and Erichsen cupping tests, Machines, 2020, 8(1),
Motta, J.F.G., de Souza, A.R., Gonçalves, S.M., Madella, D.K.S.F., Carvalho, C.W.P., Vitorazi, L., Melo, N.R., Development of active films based on modified starches incorporating the antimicrobial agent lauroyl arginate (lae) for the food industry, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2020, 13, 2082–2093,
Ferreira, N.D., Neto, R.M.L., Filgueira, M., Alves, M.F.R.P, Santos, C., Ramos, A.S., Effect of cobalt doping and milling time on microstructure and vickers microhardness of the spark plasma sintered (67-x) Ti-xCo-22Si-11B (x = 2 and 6 at-%) alloys, Materials Research, 2020, 23(6),
Amarante, J.E.V., Pereira, M.V.S., Souza, G.M., Alves, M.F.R.P., Simba, B.G., Santos, C., Effect of hydrothermal aging on the properties of zirconia with different levels of translucency, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2020, 109,
Macedo, B.S., Almeida, T., Cruz, R.C., Netto, A.N.P., Silva, L., Berret, J.-F., Vitorazi, L., Effect of pH on the Complex Coacervation and on the Formation of Layers of Sodium Alginate and PDADMAC, Langmuir, 36 (10), 2510-2523,
Silva, B.L.L., Ferraz, I.L., Castro, J.A., Vitorazi, L., Effect of polymer aggregation on the kinetics of hydrate formation, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 73, 2020,
Santos, C., Rosa, G.O., Quintino, M.N., Alves, M.F.R.P., Ribeiro, S., Melo-Silva, C.L., Effect of surface finishing and thickness on the translucency of zirconia dental ceramics, Ceramics International, 2020, 46(6), 7748-7755,
Oliveira, E.M., Madeira, J.G.F., Carraro, C.F.F., Paresque, M.C.C., Castro, J.A., Effects of addition of engineered ZnO nanoparticles on the stability of colloidal suspensions containing TiO2 interacting with sandy soil, REM International Engineering Journal, 2020, 73(2),
Queiroz, A.V., Fernandes, M.T., Silva, L., Demarque, R., Xavier, C.R., Castro, J.A., Effects of an external magnetic field on the microstructural and mechanical properties of the fusion zone in tig welding, Metals, 2020, 10(6), 714,
Fernandes, M.T., Silva, L.M., Freitas, B.X., Domingues, G., Castro, J.A., Santos, C., Effects of Zn content on surface deformability and corrosion resistance of MgZnMnCa alloys, International Journal of Materials Research, 2020, 111,
Schettino, C.F.M., Medeiros, N., Efficacy of beam-type finite elements in the evaluation of lateral stiffness of 16×16 fuel assemblies by strengthening mechanisms, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2020, 364,
Almeida, D.S.S., Santos, D.D., Ferreira, N.B.G., Correia, C.Q., Gomes, B.C., Ferreira, E.A., Moreira, L.P., Castro, J.A., Huguenin, J.A.O., Ellipsometric characterization of surface films on AZ31 magnesium alloy exposed to a Na2SO4 solution, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(5), 10175-10183,
Camargo, A. L. P., Dias, M. R. B., Lemos, M. R., Mello, M. M., Silva, L., Santos, P. A. M., Huguenin, J. A. O., Estimation of statistical properties of rough surface profiles from hurst exponent of speckle patterns, Applied Optics, 59(20), 5957-5966,
Botelho, T., Medeiros, G., Castro, J.A., Costa e Silva, A.L.V., Estudo da taxa de desoxidação no refino secundário em aços desoxidados ao silício e manganês, Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, 2020, 17(3),
Baêta, D.A., Costa, D.J.R., Cardoso, F.G., Medeiros, N., Evaluation of fretting wear occurrence on the surface of nuclear fuel rods of Zr–1Nb–1Sn-0.1Fe alloy: effects of assembly misalignment and grid spring loading, 2020, 460-461,
Silva, L.M., Nascimento, M., de Oliveira, E.M., Queiroz, A.V., Fernandes, M.T., Castro, J.A., Evaluation of the influence of particle size in the acid baking process for the reduction of phosphorus content in iron ore, Materials Research, 2020, 23(6),
Silva, P.C., Moreira, L.P., Alves, M.F.R.P., Campos, L.Q.B., Simba, B.G., Santos, C., Experimental analysis and finite element modeling of the piston-on-three balls testing of Y-TZP ceramic, Cerâmica, 2020, 66, 30-42,
Nascimento, F.C., Aguiar, L.C., Costa, L.A.T., Fernandes, M.T., Marassi, R.J., Gomes, A.S., Castro, J.A., Formulation and characterization of crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) membranes: effects of the crosslinking agents, Polymer Bulletin, 2020,
Abreu, L.G., Quintino, M.N., Alves, M.F.R.P., Habibe, C.H., Ramos, A.S., Santos, C., Influence of the microstructure on the life prediction of hydrothermal degraded dense 3Y-TZP dental ceramics, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(5), 10830-10840,
Tissi, G.V., Fonseca, G.S., Influence of austempering time and austempering temperature in microstructure and mechanical properties in austempered ductile iron, International Journal of Research, 2020, 8(6),
Silva, R.S., Demarque, R., Santos, E.P., Castro, J.A., Influência do aporte térmico sobre as características e propriedades de cordões de solda dos aços AISI 316 e AISI 316l, Soldagem & Inspeção, 2020, 25,
Saldanha, R.L., Gomes, B.C., Torres, G.R., Lima, B.R., Castro, J.A., Silva, L., Ferreira, E.A., Inhibition of the oxygen evolution reaction during titanium passivation in aqueous phosphoric acid solution, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2020,
Freitas, B.X., Alves, M.F.R.P, Santos, C., Ramos, A.S., Ramos, E.T.C., Strecker, K., Mechanical properties of biocompatible y-tzp/al2o3 composites obtained from mechanically alloyed powders, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2020, 42,
Taya, S., Natsui, S., Castro, J.A., Nogami, H., Numerical analysis of raceway formation in isothermal and non-reactive packed bed, ISIJ International, 2020, Volume 60 (12), 2669-2677,
Villa, E., Rios, P.R., On volume and surface densities of dynamical germ-grain models with ellipsoidal growth: a rigorous approach with applications to materials science, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 2020, 38(6), 1134-1155,
Ximenes, D.A.C., Moreira, L.P., Carvalho, J.E.R., Leite, D.N.F., Toledo, R.G., Dias, F.M.S., Phase transformation temperatures and Fe enrichment of a 22MnB5 Zn-Fe coated steel under hot stamping conditions, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9 (1), 629-635,
Deus, V.S., Castro, J.A., Corrêa, S.R., Prediction of the emissivity curve at high temperatures of low carbon steel, Journal of Materials Science Research, 2020, 9(2),
Alves, M.F.R.P., Santos, C., Freitas, B.X., Ramos, A.S., Ramos, E.C.T., Strecker, K., Preparation of TiC/Ti3SiC2 composite by sintering mechanical alloyed Ti-Si-C powder mixtures, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2020, 20(7), p. 4580-4586,
Silva, F.A.S., Campos, M.F., Study of heating curves generated by magnetite nanoparticles aiming application in magnetic hyperthermia, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 37, 543-553,
Fonseca, G.S., Oliveira, S.C., Chaves, J.G., Leite, P.P., Silva, F.R.F., Lopes, L.C.R., Study of martensitic transformation in 304L austenitic stainless steel after tensile and low cycle fatigue tests, Journal of Materials Science Research, 2020, 9 (1),
Honorato, L.R., Rodrigues, P.F., Silva, A.A., Moreira, L.P., Synergistic effects of organoclay cloisite 15a on recycled polyethylene terephthalate, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(6), 13087-13096,
Paradela, K.G., Garção, W.J.L., Baptista, L.A.,S., Sales, R.C., Oliveira, V.C., Ferreira, A.F., The effect of the cooling rate on the microstructure and microsegregation: an experimental and numerical investigation of solidification in hypoperitectic Cu − 20 wt.% Sn Alloy, Materials Research, 2020, 23(4),
Meira, R.R., Ximenes, D.A.C., Lins, J.F.C., The effects of manganese and processing technology on the aging of low-carbon steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2020, 2,
Meira, R.R., Dias, F.M.S., Lins, J.F.C., The influence of manganese on the bake hardening of hot dip galvanized low carbon steels, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(2), 2020,
Castro, J.A., de Medeiros, G.A., de Oliveira, E.M., Campos, M.F., Nogami, H., The mini blast furnace process: an efficient reactor for green pig iron production using charcoal and hydrogen-rich gas: a study of cases, Metals, 2020, 10(11), 1501,
Lyrio, M.S., Sá, G.M.S., Ventura, H.S., Assis, W.L.S., Rios, P.R., Transformations with inhomogeneous nucleation and growth velocity, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(5), 2020,
Campos, M.F., Castro, J.A., Predicting recoil curves in Stoner-Wohlfarth anisotropic magnets, Acta Physica Polonica A, 2019, 136 (5), 737-739,
Carraro, C.F.F., Loures, C.C.A., Silva, L.M., Castro, J.A., Characterization of cassava biomass using differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry for energy purposes, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019, 138, 3811–3823,
Oliveira, E. M., Paresque, M.C.C., Ferreira, I.L, Garcia, A., Castro, J.A., Modeling the transport of hazardous colloidal suspensions of nanoparticles within soil of landfill layers considering multicomponent interactions, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2019, 5, 581–593,
Silva, G.M., Ferreira, E.A., Castro, J.A., Resistência à corrosão de juntas dissimilares dos aços AISI 316L e da liga Inconel 718, Soldagem & Inspeção, 24, 2019,
Ferreira, I.L., Castro, J.A., Garcia, A., Determination of heat capacity of pure metals, compounds and alloys by analytical and numerical methods, Thermochimica Acta, 2019, 682,
Rocha, J.R.S., Souza, E.E.B., Marcondes, F., Castro, J.A., Modeling and computational simulation of fluid flow, heat transfer and inclusions trajectories in a tundish of a steel continuous casting machine, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019, 8(5), 4209-4220,
Rocha, E.P., Castro, J.A., Silva, L.M., Caldas, R.S., Computational analysis of the performance of shaft furnaces with partial replacement of the burden with self-reducing pellets containing biomass, Materials Research, 2019, 22 (6),
Silva, L.M., Nascimento, M., Oliveira, E.M., Queiroz, A.V., Fernandes, M.T., Castro, J.A., Evaluation of the acid baking technique to decrease the phosphorus content of the iron ore, Materials Research, 2019, 22(4),
Ribeiro, G.C., Fortes, B. A., Silva, L., Castro, J.A., Ribeiro, S., Evaluation of mechanical properties of porous alumina ceramics obtained using rice husk as a porogenic agent, Cerâmica, 2019, 65 (1), 70-74,
Fonseca, Y.R., Elias, C.N., Monteiro, S.N., dos Santos, H.E.S., Santos, C.Modeling of the influence of chemical composition, sintering temperature, density, and thickness in the light transmittance of four zirconia dental prostheses, Materials, 2019, 2529,
Ferreira, N.D., Neto, R.M.L., Filgueira, M., Ferreira, L.M., Alves, M.F.R.P, Ramos, E.C.T., Nunes, C.A., Santos, C., Ramos, A.S., Microstructure and Vickers hardness of mechanically alloyed and spark plasma sintered Ti-2Zn-22Si-11B and Ti-6Zn-22Si-11B alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 794, 615-624,
Chaves, J.G., Fonseca, G.S., Lopes, L.C.R., Análise da martensita induzida por deformação de um aço inoxidável austenítico 304L com concentradores de tensão submetido a fadiga de baixo ciclo, Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, 2019, 16(4), 470-477,
Pinto, C.S., Freitas, G.C.L.D., Sá, I.C.A., Fonseca, G.S., Moreira, L.P., Rios, P.R., Análise em condições não-isotérmicas de um aço inoxidável superduplex ASTM A182 – F53 via dilatometria, Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, 2019, 16(4), 518-524,
Pereira, A.B., Santos, R.O., Carvalho, B.S., Butuc, M.S., Vincze, G., Moreira, L.P., The Evaluation of Laser Weldability of the Third-Generation Advanced High Strength Steel. Metals, 9 (10), 2019,
Dias , M.R.B., Castro Jr., A.O., Dias, C.P., Carvalho, S.A., Huguenin, J.A.O., Silva, L., Monitoring defects of a moving metallic surface through Tsallis entropic segmentation, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 534, p. 122175, 2019,
Silva, P.C., Magnago, R.O., Pereira, F.A.B.M., Strecker, K., Simba, B.G., Santos, C., Magnesium aluminate spinel ceramics infiltrated with lanthanum-glass for dental applications. International Journal of Materials Research, 110, Pages 885-891, 2019.
Da Silva, H., Martins, A.S., Campos, M.F., Spin glass transition in AuFe, CuMn, AuMn, AgMn and AuCr systems. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 479, Pages 222-228, 2019.
Guimarães, J.R.C., Rios, P.R., General description of martensite transformation curves – a case for bainite. Materials Science and Technology, 35, Pages 731-737, 2019.
Lyrio, M.S., Alves, A.L.M., Sá, G.M.S., Ventura, H. S., Assis, W.L.S., Silva, Rios, P.R., Comparison of transformations with inhomogeneous nucleation and transformations with inhomogeneous growth velocity. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8(5), Pages 4682-4686, 2019,
Ferreira, A.F., Chrisóstimo, W.B., Sales, R.C., Garção, W.J.L., Sousa, N.P., Effect of pouring temperature on microstructure and microsegregation of as-cast aluminum alloy. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 104(1-4), 2019.
Fonseca, G.D., Siqueira, F.S., Alves, A.L.M., Assis, W.L.S., Silva, Rios, P.R., Computer simulation of site saturation and constant nucleation rate transformations on a network of Kelvin polyhedra. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8(5), Pages 4534-4539 , 2019,
Vale, M.G., Medeiros, N., Fonseca, G.S., Diniz, S.B., Paula, A.S., Brandão, L.P., On the mechanical behavior of an Al 7075 alloy deformed by asymmetrical and conventional rolling. Matéria, (24), 2019.
Silva, G.C., Castro, J.A., Filho, R.M.M., Caldeira, L., Lagares Jr., M.L., Comparing two different arc welding processes through the welding energy: a selection analysis based on quality and energy consumption. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, (41), 2019.
Ribeiro, G.C., Fortes, B.A., Silva, L., Castro, J.A., Ribeiro, S., An Evaluation of mechanical properties of porous alumina ceramics obtained using rice husk as a porogenic agent. Cerâmica, 65(1), 2019.
Paradela, K.G., Baptista, L.A.S., Sales, R.C., Felipe Junior, P., Ferreira, A.F., Investigation of Thermal Parameters Effects on the Microstructure, Microhardness and Microsegregation of Cu-Sn alloy Directionally Solidified under Transient Heat Flow Conditions. Materials Research, 22(4), 2019.
Sá, G.M.S., Lyrio, M.S., Alves, A. L. M., Ventura, H. S., Assis, W.L.S., Villa, E., Rios, P. R., Generalizing Ellipsoidal Growth. Materials Research, 22(3), 2019.
Santos, C., Simba, B.G, Silva, R.R., Alves, M.F.R.P., Magnago,R.O., Elias, C.N., Influence of CAD-CAM milling on the flexural strength of Y-TZP dental ceramics Silva, Ceramics International, Volume 45, Issue 8, 2019,
Silva Jr., A.F., Martins, A.S., Campos, M.F., Spin glass transition in AuFe, CuMn, AuMn, AgMn and AuCr systems, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 479, p. 222-228, 2019,
Camargo, A.L.P., Fellows, C.E., Lemos, M.R., Mello, M.M., Silva, L., Huguenin,
J.A.O., Roughness measurement of oriented surface by depolarization of
scattered light, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, v. 112, p. 87-92, 2019,
Ribeiro, G.C., Fortes, B. A., Silva, L., Castro, J.A., Ribeiro, S., Evaluation of mechanical properties of porous alumina ceramics
obtained using rice husk as a porogenic agent, Cerâmica, v. 65, p. 70-74, 2019,
Freitas, B.X., Nunes, C. A., Santos, C., Sintering behaviour of Co-28%Cr-6%Mo compacted blocks for dental prosthesis, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 2052-2062,
Alves, M.F.R.P., Simba, B.G, Campos, L.Q.B., Ferreira, I., Santos, C., Influence of heat‐treatment protocols on mechanical behavior of lithium silicate dental ceramics, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, p. ijac.13257-12, 2019.
Zöllner, D., Rios, P.R., Zlotnikov, I., Topological transitions: A topological random walk or pure geometric necessity?, Computational Materials Science, Volume 166, 2019, Pages 42-56,
Guimarães, J.R.C., Rios, P.R., The constitution of martensite volume fraction in Fe-31wt%Ni-0.02wt%C. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8(1), Pages 140-146, 2019,
Carvalho, S.A, Leo, S., Huguenin, J. A.O., Martino, M., Silva, L., Experimental evidence of laser power oscillations induced by the
relative Fresnel (Goos-Hänchen) phase. Laser Physics Letters, v. 16, p. 065001,
Ferreira, I.L.,
Castro, J.A., Garcia, A., On the prediction of temperature-dependent viscosity
of multicomponent liquid alloys, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, v. 1,
p. 1-17, 2019,
Dias , M.R.B., Dornelas
, D., Dias, C.P., Almeida, G.C., Carvalho, S.A., Huguenin, J.A.O., Silva, L., Effect
of temperature on digital images of speckle patterns generated by a metallic
rough surface, Optics & Laser Technology, v. 113, p. 27-34, 2019,
Santos, R.O., Silveira, L.B., Moreira, L.P., Cardoso, M.C., Silva, F.R.F., Paula, A.S, Albertacci, D.A., Damage identification parameters of dual-phase 600-800 steels based on experimental void analysis and finite element simulations. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8(1), Pages 644-659, 2019,
Baptista, L.A.S., Paradela, K.G., Ferreira, I.L., Garcia, A., Ferreira, A.F, Experimental study of the evolution of tertiary dendritic arms and microsegregation in directionally solidified Al-Si-Cu alloys castings. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8(1), 2019, Pages 1515-1521,
Barbosa, G.C.,
Moreira, L.P., Silveira, L.B., Cardoso, M.C., Micromechanical Modeling of DP600
and DP800 Steels Plastic Behavior Based on the Mori-Tanaka Homogenization
Method, Materials Science Forum, v. 930, p. 311-316, 2018,
Castro, J.A.,
Rocha, E.P., Oliveira, E.M., Campos, M.F., Francisco, A.F., Mathematical
modeling of the shaft furnace process for producing DRI based on the multiphase
theory, REM – International Engineering Journal, v. 71, p. 81-87, 2018,
Castro, J.A., Oliveira,
E.M., Campos, M.F., Takano, C., Yagi, J., Analyzing cleaner alternatives of
solid and gaseous fuels for iron ore sintering in compacts machines, Journal of
Cleaner Production, v. 198, p. 654-661, 2018,
Cadinelli, B. L.S., Nascimento, F.C., Faria, T.A.A., Freire, L.M.,
Silva, L., Castro, J.A., Brum, F.J.B., Synthesis and Characterization by
Ellipsometry of Cationic Membranes for Fuel Cells, Materials Science Forum, v.
930, p. 625-630, 2018,
Demarque, R., Santos, E.P., Silva, L.M., Queiroz,
A.V., Castro, J.A., Silva, R. S., Avaliação do efeito do ciclo térmico sobre as
características de juntas soldadas através da variação do aporte térmico em
juntas soldadas dos aços austeníticos AISI 316L pelo Processo GMAW. Tecnologia em
Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 15, p. 232-241, 2018,
Demarque, R., Silva, R. S., Santos, E.P., Castro,
J.A., Avaliação de Parâmetros de Soldagem nas Características de Juntas
Dissimilares Inconel 718 – Inox 316L Soldadas pelo Processo TIG Autógeno, Soldagem
& Inspeção, v. 23, p. 380-392, 2018,
Demarque, R., Silva, R. S., Santos, E.P., Castro, J.A., Evaluation of
the effect of the thermal cycle on the characteristics of welded joints through
the variation of the heat input of the austhenitic AISI 316L steels by the GMAW
process. Science and Technology of Materials, v. 30, p. 51-59, 2018,
Meireles, J.B., Sakamiti, G.P., Castro, J.A., Avaliação
de Eletrodos de Solda a Ponto por Resistência Elétrica Revestidos com Cromo em
Solda de Zircalloy, Soldagem & Inspeção, v. 23, p. 350-363, 2018,
Ferreira, E. A., Silva, R. C. C., Costa, L. A. T., Oliveira, C. P. R., Silva, G. C., Paula, A. S., Fugivara, C. S., Benedetti, A. V., Is duplex stainless steel more corrosion resistant than 316L in aqueous acid chloride-containing environments at temperatures higher than 100 C?, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 7, Pages 502-509,
Fonseca, G. D., Alves, A. L. M., Costa, M. F. B., Lyrio, M. S., Assis, W.L.S., Rios, P. R., Evolution of Individual Grains in 3d Microstructure Generated by Computational Simulation of Transformations Involving Two Phases, Materials Science Forum, v. 930, p. 299-304, 2018,
Fonseca, G. D., Siqueira,
F. S., Alves, A. L. M Assis, W.L.S., Rios, P. R., Microstructural descriptors
to characterize computer simulated microstructures generated by nucleation on a
Kelvin polyhedra network. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 7,
p. 337-341, 2018,
Zilnyk, K.D., Almeida
Junior, D.R., Sandim, H.R.Z., Rios, P.R., Raabe, D., Misorientation
distribution between martensite and austenite in Fe-31 wt%Ni-0.01 wt%C, Acta
Materialia, v. 143, p. 227-236, 2018,
Zöllner, D., Rios,
P.R., On the topology and size advantage of potentially abnormal grains, Computational
Materials Science, v. 153, p. 382-391, 2018,
Ventura, H. S., Aves, A.L.M., Assis, W.L.S.,
Villa, E., Rios, P. R., Influence of an exclusion radius around each nucleus on
the microstructure and transformation kinetics. Materialia, v. 2, p. 167-175,
Fonseca, G. D.,
Alves, A. L. M., Costa, M. F. B, Lyrio, M. S., Assis, W.L.S., Rios, P. R., Modeling
and Simulation of Nucleation and Growth Transformations with Nucleation on
Interfaces of Kelvin Polihedra Network. Materials Science Forum, v. 930, p.
299-304, 2018,
Guimarães, J. R. C., Rios, P.R., Fundamental
aspects of the martensite transformation curve in Fe-Ni-X and Fe-C alloys.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 7, p. 499-507, 2018,,
Guimarães, J. R. C., Rios, P.R., Revisiting
Temperature and Magnetic Effects on the Fe-30 Wt Pct Ni Martensite
Transformation Curve. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, v. 49, p.
5995-6000, 2018,
Zöllner, D., Rios,
P.R., Corrigendum to -Topological changes in coarsening networks [Acta Mater.
130 (2017) 147–154], v. 158, p. 466-467, 2018,
Baptista, L.A.S.,
Ferreira, A.F, Paradela, K.G., Silva, D.M., Castro, J.A., Experimental
Investigation of Ternary Al-Si-Cu Alloy Solidified with Unsteady-State Heat
Flow Conditions. Materials Research, V. 21, 3, Pages 1-7,
Castro, J.A.,
Fonseca, G.S., Almeida, D.S.S., Lopes, L.C.R., Xavier, C.R., Oliveira, E.M., Effects
of Heat Input Conditions on the Local Thermophysical Properties of Super Duplex
Stainless Steels, Materials Science Forum, v. 930, p. 317-321, 2018,
Oliveira, R.P.,
Bertagnolli, D.C., Ferreira, E.A., Silva, L., Paula, A.S., Influence of Fe2+
oxidation and its antioxidant ascorbic acid as additive in Zn-Ni-Fe
electrodeposition process on a low carbon steel, Surface and Coatings
Technology, v. 349, p. 874-884, 2018,
Oliveira, E. M., Castro, J.A., Silva, L.M., Oliveira,
F.A., Almeida, D.S.S., Avaliação das interações das nanopartículas de dióxido de
titânio em solos de aterro controlado contaminados por óxido de cobre. Tecnologia
em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 15, p. 327-332, 2018,
Paresque, M. C. C., Oliveira, E. M., Liuzzi, M.A.S.C., Castro, J.A., Campos,
M.F., Estimate of the Nanoparticles Size of Magnetite Produced by
Co-Precipitation Method, Materials Science Forum, v.
930, p. 90-94, 2018,
Castro, J.A.,
Oliveira, E. M., Almeida, D.S.S., Fonseca, G.S., Xavier, C.R., Effects of Local
Heat Input Conditions on the Thermophysical Properties of Super Duplex
Stainless Steels (SDSS), Materials Research, v. 20, p. 153-161, 2018,
Sales, R.C.,
Junior, P.F., Paradela, K.G., Garção, W. J.L., Ferreira, A.F, Effect of
Solidification Processing Parameters and Silicon Content on the Dendritic
Spacing and Hardness in Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloys, Materials Research, V. 21,
6, Pages 1-8,
Almeida, D.S.S.,
Silva, L., Garcia, M.T.D., Castro, J.A., Moreira, L.P., Ellipsometric
Characterization of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy. Materials Science Forum, v. 930, p.
478-483, 2018,
Silveira, L.B.,
Moreira, L.P., Silva, L., Santos, R.O., Silva, F.R.F., Cardoso, M.C., Freitas,
M.C.S., Limit Strains Analysis of Advanced High Strength Steels Sheets Based on
Surface Roughness Measurements, Materials Science Forum, v. 930, p. 349-355,
A.L.M., Villa, E., Rios, P. R., Transformation kinetics for nucleation on
second-phase particles: analytical solution and computer simulation, Acta
Materialia, v. 131, p. 523-533, 2017,
Capó, J.S., Campos, M.F., Padovese, L.R., Comparison Between Different
Experimental Set-Ups for Measuring the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise in a Deformed
1050 Steel, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, v. 36, p. 66, 2017,
Castro, J.A., Takano, C., Yagi, J., A theoretical study using the
multiphase numerical simulation technique for effective use of H 2 as blast
furnaces fuel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 6, p. 258-270,
Dias, M.R.B., Dornelas,
D., Balthazar, W.F., Huguenin, J.A.O., Silva, L., Lacunarity study of speckle
patterns produced by rough surfaces, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its
Applications, v. 486, p. 328-336, 2017,
Fonseca, G.S.,
Oliveira, P. M., Diniz, M.G., Bubnoff, D.V., Castro, J.A., Sigma Phase in
Superduplex Stainless Steel: Formation, Kinetics and Microstructural Path.
Materials Research, v. 20, p. 249-255, 2017,
Fonseca, G.S.,
Barbosa, L.O.R., Ferreira, E.A., Xavier, C.R., Castro, J.A., Microstructural,
Mechanical, and Electrochemical Analysis of Duplex and Superduplex Stainless
Steels Welded with the Autogenous TIG Process Using Different Heat Input.
Metals, v. 7, p. 538, 2017,
Oliveira, E.M., Garcia-Rojas, E.E., Valadão, I.C.R.P, Araújo, A. S.F.,
Castro, J.A., Effects of the silica nanoparticles (NPSiO2) on the stabilization
and transport of hazardous nanoparticle suspensions into landfill soil columns.
REM – International Engineering Journal, v. 70, p. 317-323, 2017,
Demarque, R., Castro, J.A., Xavier, C.R., Almeida, D.S.S., Marcelo,
C.J., Santos, E.P., Numerical and experimental study of the microstructural
evolution and the properties of joints welded on rebars using the GMAW process.
Welding International, v. 31, p. 425-434, 2017,
Guimarães, J. R. C., Rios, P.R., Autocatalysis,
Entropic Aspects and the Martensite Transformation Curve in Iron-Base Alloys.
Materials Research, v. 20, p. 271-278, 2017,
A.F., Castro, J.A., Ferreira, L.O., Predicting secondary-dendrite arm spacing
of the Al-4.5wt%Cu alloy during unidirectional solidification, Materials
Research, Volume 1, Pages 1-8,
Nogueira, D.A.,
Lopes, A.A., Assis, W.L.S., Silva, F.R.F., Rodrigues, D., Castro, J.A., Three-Dimensional
Microstructure Reconstruction and Phase Boundary by Serial Sectioning and
Numerical Approach, Materials Science Forum,
v. 899, p. 395-399, 2017,
A.F., Paradela, K.G., Junior, P.F., Júnior, Z.A.,
Garcia, A., Phase-Field Simulation of Microsegregation and Dendritic Growth
During Solidification of Hypoeutectic Al-Cu alloys. Materials Research, Volume 20, 2,
Shigaki, Y.,
Silva, J.M., Magalhães, F.C., Romie, R.N.M.A., Moreira, L.P., Elastoplastic
finite element analysis of the temper rolling process. Revista Interdisciplinar,
v. 2, p. 297-319, 2017.
Passos, M. H. M., Lemos, M. R., Almeida, S. R., Balthazar, W. F., Silva,
L., Huguenin, J. A. O, Speckle patterns produced by an
optical vortex and its application to surface roughness measurements, Applied
Optics, v. 56, p. 330-335, 2017,
Silva, D. C., Rezende,
M.C., Medeiros, N., Microstructural characterization and evaluation of the
thermomechanical behavior of an Al 7075-T651 alloy deformed by two passes of
ECAP. Materials Research, v. 20, p. 657-661, 2017,
Freitas, M.C.S.,
Vitoretti, F.P., Rodrigues Filho, J.F.M., Silva, V.L., Castro, J.A., A Finite
Element Analysis for an Iron Ore Pellet Compression Test, Materials Science
Forum, v. 899, p. 474-477, 2017,
Oliveira, R.P.,
Bertagnolli, D.C., Silva, L., Ferreira, E.A., Paula, A.S., Fonseca, G.S., Effect
of Fe and Co co-deposited separately with Zn-Ni by electrodeposition on ASTM
A624 steel, Applied Surface Science, v. 420, p. 53-62, 2017,
Rodrigues Filho,
J.F.M., Freitas, M.C.S., Vitoretti, F.P., Castro, J.A., Fonseca, G.S., Analysis
of the Iron Ore Pellet Mechanical Behavior under Biaxial Compression, Materials
Science Forum, v. 899, p. 448-451, 2017,
Rodrigues Filho,
J.F.M., Tremblay, N., Fonseca, G.S., The Feasibility of Structural Health
Monitoring Using the Fundamental Shear Horizontal Guided Wave in a Thin
Aluminum Plate. Materials, v. 10, p. 551, 2017,
Silva Jr., A.F., Campos, M.F., Martins, A.S., Domain Wall Structure in
Metals: a New Approach to an Old Problem, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 442, p. 236-241, 2017,
Silva Jr., A.F., Campos, M.F., Martins, A.S., The Exchange Energy Term
and the Curling Reversal Mode in Hard Magnetic Materials Manufactured by Powder
Metallurgy, Materials Science Forum, v. 899, p. 549-553, 2017,
Silva Jr., A.F., Martins, A.S., Campos, M.F., Lima, A.P., Revisiting
Spin Glasses: Impact of Spin-Spin Interaction Range, Brazilian Journal of
Physics, v. 48, p. 39-45, 2017,
Silva Jr., A.F., Campos, M.F., Recentes avanços
e tendências em novos materiais para energia renovável, HOLOS, v. 8, p. 47,
Rocha, E.P., Hosken, C.M., Rocha, A.C., Santos, A.P.R., Castro, J.A., Kinetic Behavior of Self-Reducing Pellets Containing Coal of
Elephant Grass. Materials Science Forum, v. 899, p. 377-382, 2017,
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