Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Metalúrgica

Publicações 2021-2024


Nunes, F.C.; Alves, M.F.R.P.; Olhero, S.M.; Lévaro, N.R.M.; Pallone, E.M.J.A.; Santos, C., Abnormal grain growth inhibition of extrusion-based 3d-printed 3y-tzp ceramics sintered by flash sintering. Ceramics International, v. 50 (7), 2024, p. 11273-11282,

Castro, J.A.; Oliveira, E.M.; Medeiros, G.A.; Carvalho, E.N., Analyzing technological alternatives of solid and gaseous fuels for iron ore compact sintering machines applying a multiphase mathematical modeling. Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 21, 2024, e2996,

Campos, M.F., Are there any alternatives for rare-earth permanent magnets?, Acta Physica Polonica, v. 146(1), 2024, p.26,

Santos, R.R.; Elias, C.N.; Ferreira, E.A.; Huguenin, J.A.O.; Farias, E.E.; Souza, M.L.; Silva, L., Characterization of thin oxide layers formed by Ti-Nb alloy anodization. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 33. 2024,

Silvério, R.R.; Araujo, R.G.; Carvalho, T.T.; Gomes, B.C.; Borges, L.O.; Silva, M.G.; Paes, L.W.C., Sangi, D.P.; Yoneda, J.; Ferreira, E.A., Combining electrochemical and theoretical analysis to evaluate hydrogen permeation inhibitors during free corrosion. Materials Research, v. 27:e20230197, 2024,

Alves, M.F.R.P.; Santos, C.; Duarte, I.; Fernandes, M.H.F.V.; Olhero, S.M., Complex shapes of lithium disilicate glass-ceramics developed by material extrusion. Additive Manufacturing, v. 80, 2024, 103973,

Costa e Silva, A., Computational thermodynamics and kinetics of aluminum nitride precipitation in steel-an overview with emphasis on austenitic grain size control. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, v.45, 2024, p. 1088-1101,

Campos, M.F.; Castro, J.A., Cumulative distribution functions as hysteresis models, Acta Physica Polonica, v. 146(1), 2024, p.20,

Cossu, C. M. F. A.; Alves, M.F.R.P.; Gomes, R.M.T.; Strecker, K.; Magnago, R.O.; Santos, C., Development and characterization of Al2O3-based composites reinforced with 3Y-TZP nanoparticles. Cerâmica, 69(392), 2024, p. 377-384,

Gomes, P.L.; Freitas, B.X.; Alves, M.F.R.P.; Olhero, S.; Santos, K.F.; Dávila, J.L.; Daguano, J.K.M.B., Santos, C., Development of Zirconia-based ceramics stabilized with different Yttria contents shaped by extrusion 3D-printing. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 28. 2024, p. 2909-2923,

Rodrigues, P.S.; Zenóbio, I.R.; Silva, T.I.; Fernandes, C.Q.C.; Sousa, T.G.; Castro; J.A.; Fonseca, G.S.; Huguenin, J.A.O.; Ferreira, E.A. Effect of aging on corrosion resistance of AZ31 magnesium alloy.  Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, v. 33, 2024, p. 3413-3425,

Strazzi-Sahyon, H.B.; Campos, T.M.B.; Santos, C.; Piza, M.M.T.; Alves, L.M.M.; Benalcazar Jalkh, E.B.; Bergamo, E.T.P.; Tebcherani, S.M.; Witek, L.; Coelho, P.G.; Yamaguchi, S.; Bonfante, E.A., Effect of calcination on minimally processed recycled zirconia powder derived from milling waste, Dental Materials, v. 40(9), 2024, p. 1477-1486,

Monção, A. M. S.; Santos, E. M. B.; Gomes, P.L.; Amarante, J.E.V.; Freitas, B.X.; Santos, C., Effect of Y2O3 content on the mechanical and optical properties of Zirconia-based dental ceramics, Cerâmica, 69(392), 2024, p. 278-287,

Gall, C.C.; Alves, M.F.R.P.; Campos, T.M.B.; Santos, C.; Gomes, P.L.; Barbosa, G.R.; Lima, E.S., Effect of Y2O3-addition on the crystallographic and mechanical properties of the CE-TZP/Al2O3 composite, Cerâmica, 69(392), 2024, p. 332–339,

Campos, M.F.; Souza, K.S.T.; Lima, I.R.; Silva, C.C.; Castro, J.A., Energy and structure of the terbium domain wall. Metals, v. 14(8), 2024, 866,

Mafra, M.P.A.; Silva Júnior, N.; Santos, C.; Ferreira, J.L.A.; Araújo, J.A.; Silva, C.R.M., Evaluation of the mechanical properties and fatigue resistance of a ZrO2CeYAl2O3 composite. Ceramics, v. 7(4), 2024, p. 1600-1615,

Gurgel, M.A.M.; Leite, D.N.F.; Moreira, L.P.; Paula, A.S.; Baêta Júnior, E.S.; Teixeira, R.S.; Brandão, L.P., Flow stress behavior, constitutive modeling, processing map and microstructure evolution in hot deformation of FE-7.1AL-0.7MN-0.4C-0.3NB alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 30, 2024, p. 7145-7159,

Butuc, M.C; Vincze, G.; Santos, R.; Pereira, A.; Santos, A.D.; Amaral, R.L.; Barlat, F., Formability of third generation advanced high strength steel: experimental and theoretical approach. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, v. 281, 2024, 109559,

Guimarães, J.R.C.; Rios, P.R.; Alves, A.L.M.; Formal description of the initial propagation of martensite and the martensitic spread. Materials Science and Technology, v. 40(11), p. 844-850,

Alves, C.L.M.; Silva, A.C.C.B.; Silva, S.S.; Silva, A.L.A.; Castro, J.A., Impact evaluation of amount of burnt lime, moisture and pellet feed on the sinter fines fraction by utilizing a sintering pilot plant. Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, 21:e3037, 2024,


Castro, J.A.; Medeiros, G.A.; Silva, L.M.; Ferreira, I.L.; Campos, M.F.; Oliveira, E.M., A numerical study of scenarios for the substitution of pulverized coal injection by blast furnace gas enriched by hydrogen and oxygen aiming at a reduction in CO2 emissions in the blast furnace process. Metals, v. 13, p. 927, 2023,

Ward, P.A.C.; Ward, F.A.C.; Ward, T.M.; Santos, C.; Freitas, R.X.; Moreira, L.P., A strength behavior approach for 3Y-TZP ceramics dental implants based on finite element simulations. Materials Research, v. 26, p. 1-11, 2023,

Lima, W. J.G.; Oliveira, D.F.; Araújo, O.M.O.; Camerini, C.G.; Sales, R. C.; Ferreira, A.F., An experimental investigation of the effects of radiation and thermal parameters on the aluminum 1050 obtained from upward directional solidification. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 27, p. 789-803, 2023,

Giona, R. Mello; Vitorazi, L.; LOH, W., Assessing the contribution of the neutral blocks in DNA/block-copolymer Polyplexes: Poly(acrylamide) vs. Poly(ethylene oxide). Molecules, v. 28, p. 398, 2023,

Romero, S. A.; Rodrigues, D.; Germano, T.; Cohen, R.; Castro, J.A.; Campos, M.F. Coercivity mechanisms in nanocrystalline SM-CO-CU thin films: the spring effect. Applied Nanoscience, Vol. 13, pages 6353–6372,

Juárez Trujillo, J.; Castro, J.A.; Innocentini, M.D.M.; Vernilli, F., Combined transient 3D simulation and experimental methods to assess a slow heat-up curve used to dry a refractory concrete. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, v. 185, p. 108063, 2023,

Baptista, L. A. S.; SALES, R. C.; Almeida, C.M.; Garção, W.J.L.; Ferreira, A. F., Continuous casting heat transfer model – the spray cooling control problem. Research, Society and Development, v. 12, p. e102121444637-15, 2023,

Goulart, L. L. O.; Castro, J.A.; Costa e Silva, A., Development of a computational thermodynamics EERZ model for the improvement of hot rolled light steel profiles steel refining. CALPHAD-COMPUTER Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, v. 81, p. 102550, 2023,

Lévaro, N.R.M.; Alves, M.F.R.P.; Santos, C.; Sencadas, V.; Olhero, Susana, Direct ink writing of ATZ composites based on inks prepared by colloidal or hydrogel route: linking inks rheology with mechanical properties. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v. 668, p. 131426, 2023,

Gomes, P. L.; Freitas, B.X.; Azoubel, R.A.; Alves, M.F.R.P.; Daguano, J.K.M.B.; Santos, C., Direct ink writing of 3Y-TZP ceramics using PEG-LAPONITE® as additive. Ceramics International, v. 49, p. 26348-26358, 2023,

Silva, B. M.; Santos, E. M. B.; Souza, V. Z. B.; Alves, M.F.R.P.; Vieira, C.M.; Santos, C., Drying behaviour of AL2O3 pastes containing CarboxyMethylCellulose (CMC) for use in colloidal processing. Ceramics, v. 6, p. 935-947, 2023,

Tirelli, E.F.S.; Medeiros, N., Fluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer thermal degradation with its effect on copolymer physical and structural properties. Iranian Polymer Journal, Vol. 32, pages 1001-1012, 2023,

Simba, B. G.; Alves, M. F. R. P.; Villela, T. F.; Ribeiro, M. V.; Strecker, K.; Santos, C., Impact of diamond tool wear on the surface finish of lithium silicate glass ceramics machined with the assistance of CAD/CAM systems. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 45, p. 1-12, 2023,

Da Silva, P.C.; Junior, C.F.L.; Huguenin, J.A.O.; Ferreira, E.A. ; Silva, L ; Carvalho, S.A., Investigation of copper and zinc alloy surface exposed to corrosion environment by digital image processing. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 24, pages 9743-9753,

Souza, V. Z. B.; Silva, B. M.; Freitas, B. X.; Silva, P. C.; Amarante, J. E. V.; Santos, E. M. B.; Santos, C., Microstructure and properties of AL2O3-Y3AL5O12 reactive sintered ceramic composites with multilayer compositional gradient: an initial investigation. Materials Research, v. 26, p. e20230194, 2023,

Xavier, C. R.; Delgado Junior, H. G.; Rebello, M. G.; Lisbôa, R. R.; Silva, A.C. M.; Castro, J.A., Numerical prediction for the effects of welding interpass temperature on the thermal history and microstructure of duplex stainless steels. Materials Research, v.26, p. e20220529, 2023,

Santos, M.; Oliveira, S.C.; Ferreira, E. A., Optimizing mechanical and corrosion properties of UNS S41003 stainless steel through austenitizing, quenching, and tempering. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, v. 16, p. 528-538, 2023,

Alves, A. L.M.; Assis, W.L.S.; Rios, P.R., Quantitative metallographic parameters to describe microstructures of multiphase materials. Materials Research, v. 26, p. e20220476, 2023,

Oliveira, E.M.; Felipe, M.B.S.; Madeira, J. G. F.; Springer, M.V.; Silva, L. M.; Castro, J. A., Study of the polystyrene degradation in water using nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 20, p. e2347, 2023,

Guimarães, J.R.C.; Rios, P.R.; Alves, A.L.M., The autocatalytic evolution of martensitic microstructure. Materials Science and Technology, 2023,

Koga, G.Y.; Nascimento, A.R.C.; Ettouil, F.B.; Rodrigues, L.C.M.; Zepon, G.; Bolfarini, C.; Kiminami, C.S.; Botta, W.J.; Schulz, R.; Costa e Silva, A.; Moreau, C.; Coury, F.G., Thermally sprayed multi-principal element CR40CO40NI20 coatings – oxidation upon coatings’ build-up and electrochemical corrosion. Surface & Coatings Technology, v. 454, p. 129154, 2023,

Thomaz, A. B.; Elias, C. N.; Santos, H. E. S.; Resende, C. R. S.; Santos, C., 3Y-TZP electrostatic painting to increase bond strength to dentin and dental prostheses. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 26, p. 9063-9078, 2023,


Francisco, A.S., Ouverney, T.M.W., Moreira, L.P., A comparison of the structural integrity of steam generator tubes based on deterministic and probabilistic crack acceptance criteria. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 44, 74, 2022,

Travaglia, C.A., Castro, J.A., Lopes, L.C.R., Terra, C.S., A method to predict the durability of friction materials applied on drum brakes based on the dissipation of braking energy. Tribology Transactions, v. 65, 6, p. 1132-1148, 2022,

Travaglia, C.A., Castro, J.A., Lopes, L.C.R., Terra, C.S., An investigation of the parameters for characterization and prediction of wear of drum brake friction material. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, v. 31, p. 5712-5725, 2022,

Silva, R.S., Demarque, R., Silva, L.M., Castro, J.A., Analysis of dissimilar welding joint between Inconel 718 and aisi 316L by gtaw multipass process. Soldagem & Inspeção, v. 27, 2022,

Baptista, I.O., Alves, M.F.R.P., Ferreira, S, Santos, C., Vieira, S.I., Fernandes, M.H.V., Antibacterial activity improvement of dental glass-ceramic by incorporation of agvo3 nanoparticles. Dental Materials, v. 38, 11, p. 1679-1688, 2022,

Gurgel, M.A.M., Júnior, E.S.B., Teixeira, R.S., Moreira, L.P., Brandão, L.P., Paula, A.S., Caracterização microestrutural de uma liga Fe-7,1Al-0,7Mn-0,4C-0,3Nb do sistema Fe-Mn-Al-C. Matéria, v. 27, 2, 2022,

Costa, L.A.T., Aguiar, L.C.V., Gomes, A.S., Brum, F.J.B., Characterization of pva and phenol salt modified tin dioxide cationic membranes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 47, 11, p. 7415-7431,

Alves, M.F.R.P., Santos, C., Elias, C.N., Amarante, J.E.V., Ribeiro, S., Comparison between different fracture toughness techniques in zirconia dental ceramics. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, v. 111, 1, p.103-116, 2022,

Santos, R.O., Moreira, L.P., Butuc, M.C., Vincze, G., Pereira, A.B., Damage analysis of third-generation advanced high-strength steel based on the gurson-tvergaard-needleman (GTN) model. Metals, v. 12, 2, 214, 2022,

Lima, E.S., Gall, C.C., Alves, M.F.R.P., Campos, J.B., Campos, T.M.B., Santos, C., Development and characterization of alumina-toughened zirconia (ATZ) ceramic composites doped with a beneficiated rare-earth oxide extracted from natural ore. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 16, p. 451-460, 2022,

Santos, C., Baltazar, J., Alves, M.F.R.P., Olhero, S.M., Development of translucent zirconia by robocasting. Materials Letters, v. 325, 132785, 2022,

Sousa, L.F., Simba, B.G., Souza, J.V.C., Ribeiro, M.V., Silva, O.M.M., Santos, C., Dry machining of nodular cast iron using a YAG-reinforced alumina ceramic cutting tool. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v. 123, p. 99-110, 2022,

Nascimento, A.C.P., Coutinho, M.M., Alves, M.F.R.P., Santos, C., Ferreira, J.L.A., Silva, C.R.M., Effect of addition of previously-synthesized Ce-TZP/Al2O3 submicrometric powder on the properties of Al2O3-based ceramics. Materials Research, v. 25, 2022,

Alves, M.F.R.P., Simba, B.G., Fernandes, M.H.F.V., Elias, C.N., Amarante, J.E.V., Santos, C., Effect of heat treatment on the roughness and mechanical properties of dental lithium disilicate glass-ceramics. Ceramics International, v. 48, 18, p. 26303-26311, 2022,

Monteiro, R.H., Alves, M.F.R.P., Strecker, K., Santos, C., Elias, C.N., Effect of preheating and isothermal holding time on the crystallization, densification and properties of a sintered lithium silicate glass-ceramic. Ceramics International, v. 48, 4, p. 5590-5600, 2022,

Alves, M.F.R.P., Fernandes, M.H.F.V., Daguano, J.K.M.B., Rodas, A.C.D., Amarante, J.E.V., Santos, C., Effect of the surface finish on the mechanical properties and cellular adhesion in (Ce,Y)-TZP/Al2O3 ceramic composites for denture implants. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, v. 134, 105363, 2022,

Campos, M.F., Romero, S.A., Castro, J.A., Estimation of texture and anisotropy field in a NdDyFeCoB magnet by magnetic measurements at the perpendicular direction. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 564, Part 2, 170119, 2022,

Silva, L.M., Giese, E.C., Medeiros, G.A., Ferandes, M.T., Castro, J.A., Evaluation of the use of burkolderia caribensis bacteria for the reduction of phosphorus content in iron ore particles. Materials Research, v. 25, 2022,

Silva, L.M., Eugênio, T.M., Medeiros, G.A., Medeiros, R.G.C., Freitas, P.G.M., Castro, J.A., Evaluation of the use of microwave energy on the reduction of iron ore and steelmaking mill scale composite self-reducing mixtures. Materials Research, v. 25, 2022,

Coutinho, I.F., Silva, P.C., Moreira, L.P., Strecker, K., Alves, M.F.R.P., Santos, C., Experimental analysis and numerical simulations of the mechanical properties of a (Ce,Y)-TZP/Al2O3/H6A ceramic composite containing coupled toughening mechanisms. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, v. 129, 105171, 2022,

Baltazar, J., Alves, M.F.R.P., Martins, M.A., Torres, P.M.C., Santos, C., Olhero, S., Flexural strength of 3Y-TZP bioceramics obtained by direct write assembly as function of residual connected-porosity. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, v. 126, 105035, 2022,

Coutinho, M.M., Nascimento, A.C.P., Amarante, J.E.V., Santos, C., Ferreira, J.L.A., Silva, C.R.M., Four-point bending fatigue behavior of Al2O3-ZrO2 ceramic biocomposites using ceo2 as dopant. Materials Research, v. 25, 2022,

Junior, P.F., Ferreira, L.O., Garção, W.J.L., Almeida, R.P., Melo, C.M., Ferreira, A.F., Heat-flow parameters affecting microstructure and mechanical properties of al-cu and al-ni alloys in directional solidification: an experimental comparative study. International Journal of Materials Research, v. 113, 3, p. 181-193, 2022,

Bertuci, P.J., Fonseca, G.S., Moreira, L.P., Medeiros, N., Influence of ecapressing temperature on crystallinity and mechanical behaviour of polypropylene and high-density polyethylene. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 8, p. 37617-37628, 2022,

Silva, M.G., Araujo, R.G., Silverio, R.L., Costa, A.N.C., Sangi, D.P., Pedrosa, L.F., Fonseca, G.S., Silva, L., Coelho, L.W., Ferreira, E.A., Inhibition effects of ionic and non-ionic derivatives of imidazole compounds on hydrogen permeation during carbon steel pickling. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 16, 2022, p. 1324-1338,

Ferreira, A.F., Moura, L.J., Dantas, B.S., Brum, F.J.B., Garção, W.J.L., Sales, R.C., Investigations on metallurgical parameters in hypoeutectic al-si alloys under upward directional solidifications. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v. 121, p. 7359–7382, 2022,

Carraro, C.F.F., Loures, C.C.A., Castro, J.A., Microalgae bioremediation and CO2 fixation of industrial wastewater. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, v. 8, 100466, 2022,

Alves, M.F.R.P., Campos, L.Q.B., Simba, B.G., Silva, C.R.M., Strecker, K., Santos, C., Microstructural characteristics of 3Y-TZP ceramics and their effects on the flexural strength. Ceramics, v. 5, 4, 2022, p. 798-813,

Dantas, B.S., Garção, W.J.L., Peixoto, F.M., Guimarães, N.A., Tomaszewski, I.M.S., Microstructural patterns, microsegregation, porosity, and mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al-Fe alloy, and its dependency with solidification thermal parameters. Materials Research, v. 25, 2022,

Gurgel, M.A., Baêta Jr., E.S., Teixeira, R.S., Nascimento, G.O., Oliveira, S.S., Leite, D.N.F., Moreira, L.P., Brandão, L.P., Paula, A.S., Microstructure and continuous cooling transformation of an Fe-7.1Al-0.7Mn-0.4C-0.3Nb alloy. Metals, v. 12, 8, 2022,

Silva, G.S.A., Neto, R.M.L., Filgueira, M., Baptista, C.A.R.P., Santos, C., Ramos, A.S., Microstructure and diametral fracture strength of spark plasma sintered WC-6Co-0.2B and WC-6Co-0.5B ceramic composites from nanosized and metastable WC powders. Cerâmica, v. 68, 2022,

Sales, R.C., Ferreira, L.O., Almeida, R.P., Terra, B.P., Moura, L.J., Ferreira, A.F., Microstructure and microhardness of directionally solidified Al-Si alloys subjected to an equal-channel angular pressing process. Materials Research, v. 25, 2022,

Oliveira, A.L.N., Elias, C.N., Santos, H.E.S., Santos, C., Biasi, R.S., Physical properties and color stainability by coffee and red wine of opaque and high translucency zirconia dental ceramics after hydrothermal degradation. International Journal of Biomaterials, 2022,

Baltazar, J., Alves, M.F.R.P., Santos, C., Olhero, S., Reactive sintering of Al2O3-Y3Al5O12 ceramic composites obtained by direct ink writing. Ceramics, v. 5, 1, p. 1-12, 2022,

Daguano, J.K.M.B., Giora, F.C., Santos, K.F., Pereira, A.B.G.C., Souza, M.T., Dávila, J.L., Rodas, A.C.D., Santos, C., Silva, J.V.L., Shear-thinning sacrificial ink for fabrication of Biosilicate® osteoconductive scaffolds by material extrusion 3D printing. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 287, 1, 126286, 2022,

Alves, A.L.M., Siqueira, F.S., Rios, P.R., Simultaneous and sequential transformations with nucleation at preferred sites. Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 19, e2736, 2022,

Zaidan, D.W., Freitas, B.X., Coelho, G.C., Nunes, C.A., Santos, C., Ramos, E.C.T., Ramos, A.S., The 1300 °C isothermal section in the Al2O3-Y2O3-Nb2O5 system. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, v. 43, p. 393-400, 2022,

Delgado Jr., H.G., Xavier, C.R., Castro, J.A., Petrillo, M.O.V., Pires, G.A., Um modelo para aplicação em análise estrutural de treliças planas, Cadernos UniFOA, v. 17, 50, 2022,

Costa, A.N.C., Silva, G.C., Ferreira, E.A., Nakazato, R.Z., Comparative analysis of corrosion resistance of zinc and Zn-Al-Mg coatings on carbon steel. Research, Society and Development, v. 10, 1, 2021,


Ribeiro, R. F. da Silva, Feiteira, J.F.S.; Gouvêa, J.P., Ferreira, A.F., Experimental investigation on variability in properties of Amazonian wood species Muiracatiara (Astronium lecointei) and Maçaranduba (Manilkara huberi) focusing guitar fingerboards manufacturing. Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts, v. 6, p. 33-38, 2021,

Ferreira, A.F., Ferreira, I. L., Almeida, R.P., Castro, J.A., Sales, R.C., Junior, Z.A., Microstructural evolution and microsegregation in directional solidification of hypoeutectic Al−Cu alloy: A comparison between experimental data and numerical results obtained via phase-field model. Transactions of Nonferrous Netals Society of China, v. 31, p. 1853-1867, 2021,

Ribeiro, R. F. da Silva, Feiteira, J.F.S.; Gouvêa, J.P., Ferreira, A.F., Experimental investigation on the variabilities of the elastic properties of Amazonian hardwood cordia goeldiana. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, v. 33, p. 231-239, 2021,

Palmeira, A.A., Cangani, M. P., Rodrigues Jr., D., Strecker, K., Santos, C., Influence of sintering parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nano-sized 3Y-TZP ceramics. Cerâmica, v. 67, p. 14-22, 2021,

Xavier, C.R., Delgado Junior, H.G., Marcelo, C.J., Silva, F.R.F., Freitas, G.C.L.D., Castro, J.A., A coupled thermo-mechanical-metallurgical model capturing essential transformations in the welding of high strength low-alloy steels. Revista Soldagem & Inspeção, v. 26, p. 1-18, 2021,

Fernandes, M.T., Silva, L.M., Mendes, P.S.N., Queiroz, A.V., Castro, J.A., Santos, C., A degradation kinetics model of mg-zn-mn-ca alloys in Kokubo solution. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 11, p. 887-995, 2021,

Lopes, B.P., Castro, J.A., Silva, L.M., Costa e Silva, A.L.V., Predictive model for hydrogen content in steel in non-degassed heats. Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 18, e2519, 2021,

Ignácio, N.F., Fernandes, M.S., Baía, D.M., Santos, A.G.C., Siqueira, F.S., Assis, W.L.S., Rios, P.R., A study on the effect of the number of clusters at the phase transformation kinetics. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 15, p. 777-784, 2021,

Gonoring, T.B., Moreira, L.P., Orlando, M.T. An equivalent work-hardening description of an interstitial-free steel sheet based on uniaxial tensile and hydraulic bulge tests. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 13, p. 2138-2143, 2021,

Cardoso, F.G., Baêta, D.A., Costa, D.J.R., Medeiros, N., Análise da ocorrência de desgaste por fretting em varetas combustíveis nucleares de Zr-1Nb-Sn-0.1Fe. Brazilian Journal of Development, v.7, 3, 2021,

Baêta, D.A., Costa, D.J.R., Medeiros, N., Analysis of heat treatment effect on fretting fatigue occurrence in Zr-1Nb-1Sn-0.1Fe fuel rods. Progress in Nuclear Energy, v. 140,

Medeiros, G.C., Silva, L.M., Fernandes, M.T., Santos, D.G.S., Castro, J.A., Analysis of the carbothermic reduction of iron ore-coke composite mixtures by microwave heating. Materials Research, v. 24, 6, 2021,

Ferreira, J.L., Moreira, L.P., Cardoso, M.C., Analysis of the pre-straining effects on the limit strains of interstitial-free steel: experiments and elasto-plastic modeling of strain and stress-based forming limit curves. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 43, 82, 2021,

Teixeira, P.S., Ferreira, A.F., Feiteira, J.F.S., Avaliação das respostas em frequências naturais de um violão pelo método de excitação por impulso e deconvolução de sinais. Research, Society and Development, v. 10, n. 1, 2021,

Luiz, J.V., Pimenta, R.M., Moreira, L.P., Castro, J.A., Pereira, A.B., Almeida, D.S.S., Caracterização de uma liga de magnésio processada via laminação assimétrica. Research, Society and Development, v. 7, n. 12, 2021,

Souza, P.V.S., Rodrigues, D.P., Silva, L., Huguenin, J.A.O., Balthazar, W.F., Characterization of surface roughness by speckle pattern-an experimental approach. Physics Education, v. 56, 2, 2021,

Costa, A.N.C., Silva, G.C., Ferreira, E.A., Nakazato, R.Z., Comparative analysis of corrosion resistance of zinc and Zn-Al-Mg coatings on carbon steel. Research, Society and Development, v. 10, 1, 2021,

Santos, A.G.C., Ignácio, N.F., Fernandes, M.S., Baía, D.M., Moreira, F.N., Assis, W.L.S., Rios, P.R., Computational modeling of a 3D matrix of duplex stainless steel and its ultimate strength in function of the sigma phase evolution. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 15, p. 2625-2632,

Souza, R.C., Duarte, R.N., Alves, M.F.R.P., Daguano, J.K.M.B., Santos, C., Strecker, K., Cyclic fatigue behavior of hydrothermally aged 3Y-TZP ceramics in 4-point bending tests. Processing and Application of Ceramics, v. 15, 2, p. 184-194, 2021,

Lima, I.R., Fialho, B.O., Simão, R.A., Nogueira, D.A., Sampaio, F.A., Xing, Y., Castro. J.A., Fonseca, G.S., Campos, M.F., Development of new synthesis routes for hydroxyapatite nanopowders production from chicken eggshells. Química Nova, v; 44, 9, 2021,

Juraski, A.C., Figueredo, D.C., Daghastanli, N.A., Santos, C., Fernandes, M.V., da Ana, P.A., Daguan, J.K.M.B., Effect of a whitlockite glass-ceramic on the occlusion of dentinal tubules for dentin hypersensitivity treatment. Research, Society and Development, v. 10, 3, 2021,

Alves, M.F.R.P., Ribeiro, S., Suzuki, P.A., Strecker, K., Effect of FE2O3 addition and sintering temperature on mechanical properties and translucence of zirconia dental ceramics with different Y2O3 content. Materials Research, 24, 2, 2021,

Simba, B.G., Ribeiro, M.V., Alves, M.F.R.P., Amarante, J.E.V., Strecker, K., Santos, C., Effect of the temperature on the mechanical properties and translucency of lithium silicate dental glass-ceramic. Ceramics International, vol. 47, 7, part A, p. 9933-9940,

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Guedes, C.F., Fonseca, G.S., Ferreira, E.A., Santos, L.R.L., Fernandes, M.T., Silva, L.M., Evaluation of S355NL steel welded by flux cored arc welding using different tubular wires. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, v. 77, 1, 2021.

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Nascimento, F.C., Aguiar, L.C.V., Chaves, M.G., Silva, L.M., Castro, J.A., Evaluation of the kinetic of CU2+ adsorption in the PVA membranes crosslinked with sulfosuccinic and citric acids. Cadernos UniFOA, v. 16 n. 47, 2021,

Nascimento, F.C., Aguiar, L.C.V., Costa, L.T.A., Fernandes, M.T., Marassi, R.J., Gomes, A.S., Castro, J.A., Formulation and characterization of crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) membranes: effects of the crosslinking agents. Polymer Bulletin, v. 78, 2021, p. 917–929,

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Macedo, F.A.A., Castro, J.A., Santos, C., Strecker, K., Xavier, C.R., Influence of the interpass welding temperature on microstructure and corrosion resistance of superduplex stainless steel SAF 2507. Materials Research, v. 24, 3, 2021,

Guimarães, J.R.C., Rios, P.R., Alves, A.L.M., Martensite’s logistic paradigm. Materials Research, v. 24, 3, 2021,

Alves, M.F.R.P., Abreu, L.G., Klippel, G.G.P., Santos, C., Strecker, K., Mechanical properties and translucency of a multi-layered zirconia with color gradient for dental applications. Ceramics International, v. 47, 1, 2021, p. 301-309,

Santos, C., Coutinho, I.F., Amarante, J.E., Alves, M.F.R., Coutinho, M.M., Silva, C.R.M., Mechanical properties of ceramic composites based on ZRO2 co-stabilized by Y2O3-CEO2 reinforced with AL2O3 platelets for dental implants. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, v. 116, 2021, 104372,

Carvalho, E.C., Gouvêa, J.P., Teixeira, A.B., Melo-Silva, T.C.F., Melo-Silva, C.L., Método de elementos finitos bi e tridimensional para investigação do modo de falha em testes de cisalhamento e microcisalhamento em restaurações dentárias. Matéria, v. 26, 4, 2021,

Carraro, C.F.F., Loures, C.C.A., Castro, J.A., Microalgae technique for bioremediation treatment of cassava wastewater. Water Air Soil Pollution, 232, 2021,

Silva, E.M.F., Fonseca, G.S., Ferreira, E.A., Microstructural and selective dissolution analysis of 316L austenitic stainless steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 15, 2021, p. 4317-4329,

Freitas, B.X., Antonini, L.A., Cury, P.L.C.T., Silva, V.L.F., Chaia, N., Tomachuk, C.R., Mathieu, S., Coelho, G.C., Santos, C., Nunes, C.A., Microstructural evolution and electrochemical behavior of solution treated, hot rolled and aged MgDyZnZr alloy. Metals, v. 11, 11, 2021,

Teixeira, P.S., Feiteira, J.F.S., Almeida, R., Ferreira, A.F., Modal analysis of computational guitar model using finite elements and impulse excitation method. Research, Society and Development, v. 10, 2, 2021,

Daguano, J. K.M.B., Dantas, L., Soares, V.O., Alves, M.F.R.P., Santos, C., Zanotto, E.D., Optimizing the microstructure of a new machinable bioactive glass-ceramic. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, v. 122, 2021, 104695,

Freitas, G.C.L.D., Fonseca, G.S., Moreira, L.P., Leite, D.N.F., Phase transformations of the duplex stainless steel UNS S31803 under non-isothermal conditions. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 11, 2021, p. 1847-1851,

Klippel, G.G., Melo-Silva, C.L., Melo-Silva, T.C.F., Elias, C.N., Biasi, R.S., Santos, C., Shear bond strength of lithium disilicate to resin cement after treatment with hydrofluoric acid and a self-etching ceramic primer. Materials Research, v. 24, 4, 2021,

Teixeira, P.S., Ferreira, A.F., Feiteira, J.F.S., Simulação matemática dos sinais sonoros do violão através da convolução. Cadernos UniFOA, v. 16 n. 46, 2021,

Silva, B.L.L.D., Ferraz, I.L., Nascimento, D.F., Castro, J.A., Vitorazi, L., Sodium alginate polymer as a kinetic inhibitor of methane hydrate formation. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 12, 2021, p. 1999-2010,

Luzo, R.O., Oliveira, V.D., Costa, M.A., Santos, C., Amarante, J.E.V., Daguano, J. K.M.B., Strecker, K., Alves, M.F.R.P., Y-PSZ/Bioglass 45S5 composite obtained by the infiltration technique of porous pre-sintered bodies using sacrificial molding. Research, Society and Development, v. 10, 7, 2021,

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