Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Metalúrgica

Publications 2016-2013


Guedes, L.F.N., Dalboni Garcia, M.T., Cunha, J.N., Duarte, L. T., Bertagnolli, D., Silva, L., Huguenin, J.A.O., Ferreira, E.A., J Solid State Electrochem (2016) 20: 2517.

Silva, LM., Nascimento, M., Oliveira, E.M., Mota, I. O., Castro, J.A., Estudo cinético da rota combinada aquecimento por energia de micro-ondas e lixiviação para remoção do fósforo em minérios de ferro, Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 13, p. 1-8, 2016,

Zöllner, D., Streitenberger, P., Rios, P.R., Shedding some light on the early grain growth regime: About the effect of the initial microstructure on normal grain growth, Computational Materials Science, Volume 113, 2016, Pages 11-20,

Rios, P., Guimarães, J.R.C., Athermal Martensite Transformation Curve, Materials Research, Volume 19, 2016, Pages 490-495,

Xavier, C.R., Delgado Junior, H.G, Castro, J.A., Ferreira, A.F., Numerical Predictions for the Thermal History, Microstructure and Hardness Distributions at the HAZ during Welding of Low Alloy Steels. Materials Research, 19(3), 520-533, 2016.

Almeida, D.S.S., Queiroz, A.V., Xavier, C.R., Marcelo, C.J., Castro, J.A., Oliveira, E.M., Modelo duplo-elipsóide acoplado a volumes finitos para simular a soldagem GMAW do aço inoxidável duplex SAF 2205, Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 13, p. 148-156, 2016,

Costa, T., B., Nogueira, T.M.C., Silva, L., Ellipsometric measurement of thickness of tin oxides grown by voltammetry in phosphate solution of pH 8.7, Journal of electroanalytical science and engineering, V. 6, p. 303-314, 2016,

Jácome, P. A.D., Fernandes, M. T., Garcia, G. Ferreira, A.F., Castro, J.A., Ferreira, I.L., Application of computational thermodynamics to the evolution of surface tension and Gibbs-Thomson coefficient during multicomponent aluminum alloy solidification, Materials Science Forum, Volume 869, 2016, Pages 416-422,

Pereira, A.M., Cardoso, M.C., Moreira, L.P., Effects of strain-rate and deformation mode on strain-induced martensite transformation of AISI 304L steel sheet, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 835, 2016 Pages 216-221,

Costa, D.T. Cardoso, M.C., Fonseca, G.S., Moreira, L.P., Martiny, M., Mercier, S., Strain-induced martensite formation of AISI 304L steel sheet: experiments and modeling, Materials Science Forum, Volume 869, 2016 Pages 490-496,

Bressan, J.D., Moreira, L.P., Freitas, M.C.S., Bruschi, S., Ghiotti, A. , Michieletto, F., Modelling of forming limit Sstrains of AA5083 aluminium sheets at room and high temperatures, Advanced Materials Research, Volume 1135, 2016, Pages 202-217,

Cardoso, M.C., Pereira, A.M., Silva, F.R.F., Moreira, L.P., Experimental analysis of forming limits and thickness strains of DP600-800 steels, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 835, 2016, Pages 230-235,

Cardoso, M.C., Moreira, L.P., Freitas, M.C.S., Elasto-Plastic modeling of the limit strains in metallic sheets, Materials Science Forum, Volume 869, 2016, Pages 532-537,

Msolli, S., Martiny, M., Cardoso, M.C., Moreira, L.P., Mercier, S., Molinari, A., Numerical modeling of the deformation of AISI 304L using a tangent additive Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme: Application to sheet metal forming, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 235, 2016, Pages 187-205,

Périgo, E.A, Titov, I., Weber, R., Honecker, D., Gilbert, E.P., De Campos, M.F., Michels, A., Small-angle neutron scattering study of coercivity enhancement in grain-boundary-diffused NdFeB sintered magnets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 677, 2016, Pages 139-142,

Correa, S.R, Campos, M.F., Marcelo, C.J., Castro, J.A., Fonseca, M.C., Chuvas, T. C., Padovese, L.R., Characterization of residual stresses and microstructural by technique of magnetic Barkhausen noise of API 5L X80 steel heat treatment, Materials Science Forum, Volume 869, 2016, Pages 556-561,

Carvalho, S. A., De Leo, S., Huguenin, J. A. O., Silva, L., Experimental confirmation of the transversal symmetry breaking in laser profiles, Journal of Modern Optics, v. 64, p. 280-287, 2016,

Correa, S.R, Campos, M.F., Marcelo, C.J., Castro, J.A., Fonseca, M.C., Chuvas, T. C., Padovese, L.R., Evaluation of residual stresses in welded ASTM A36 structural steel by metal active gas (MAG) welding process, Materials Science Forum, Volume 869, 2016, Pages 564-571,

Travaglia, C.A.P., Lopes, L.C.R., Analytical model for prediction of friction materials durability based on the braking energy dissipation, SAE Tecnhical Paper, 2016,


Guimarães, J.R.C., Rios, P.R., The mechanical-induced martensite transformation in Fe-Ni-C alloys. Acta Materialia, v. 84, p. 436-442, 2015,

Rios, P.R., Glicksman, M.E., Grain boundary, triple junction and quadruple point mobility controlled normal grain growth. Philosophical Magazine, v. 95, p. 2092-2127, 2015,

Guimarães, J.R.C., Rios, P.R., Microstructural Path Analysis of Martensite Dimensions in FeNiC and FeC Alloys. Materials Research, v. 18, p. 595-601, 2015,

Chwastek, K. R., Baghel, A. P. S., Campos, M. F., Kulkarni, S. V., Szczygłowski, J., A Description for the Anisotropy of Magnetic Properties of Grain-oriented Steels. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v. 51, p. 1-1, 2015,

Campos, M.F., Silva, F. A., Application of Micromagnetic Models for Barium Ferrite Magnets. Materials Science Forum, v. 820, p. 199-204, 2015,

Silva, R. A., Souza, L.F. G., Morales, E. V., Rios, P.R., Bott, I. S., Formation of Microphases and Constituents from Remaining Austenite Decomposition in API X80 Steel Under Different Processing Conditions. Materials Research, v. 18, p. 908-917, 2015,

Ferreira, J.L., Tepedino, J.O. A., Wolff, M. A., Moreira, L.P., Strain-Path effects on the formability behavior of interstitial-free steel, Key Engineering Materials, v. 651-653, p. 126-131, 2015,

Ferreira, A.F., Ferreira, I.L., Cunha, J.P., Salvino, I. M., Simulation of the microstructural evolution of pure material and alloys in an undercooled melts via phase-field method and adaptive computational domain, Materials Research, v. 06, p. 907-923, 2015,

Soares, H.C., Meireles, J.B., Castro, A.O., Huguenin, J.A.O., Schmidt, A.G.M., Silva, L., Tsallis threshold analysis of digital speckle patterns generated by rough surfaces, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 432, 2015, Pages 1-8,

Guimarães, B. H.D., Xavier, C.R., Marcelo, C.J., Castro, J.A., Avaliação da precipitação da fase sigma na soldagem de aços inoxidáveis duplex. Revista Brasileira de Aplicações do Vácuo, v. 34, p. 1, 2015,

Melo-Silva, T.C.F., Melo-Silva, C.L., Carvalho, C.F., Teixeira, A.B., Lins, J.F.C., Gouvêa, J.P., Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Composite Materials Used in Dentistry Varying the Inorganic Composition. Materials Science Forum, v. 820, p. 320-324, 2015,

Ferreira, A.F., Melo, E.G., Ferreira, L.O., Prediction of Secondary-Dendrite Arm Spacing for Binary Alloys by Means of a Phase-Field Model. Steel Research International, V. 86, 1, 2015, Pages 58-64,

Melo-Silva, C.L., Melo-Silva, T.C.F., Carvalho, C.F., Sudré, J.P.S., Freitas, R.X. Gouvêa, J.P., Lins, J.F.C., Evaluation of Morphology and Roughness of the Surface of a Ceramic Based on Lithium Disilicate, after Conditioning with Acid Hydrofluoric the 5% and 10%. Materials Science Forum, v. 820, p. 315-319, 2015,

Nascimento, F. C., Paresque, M. C.C., Castro, J.A., Jácome, P.A.D., Garcia, A., Ferreira, I.L., Application of computational thermodynamics to the determination of thermophysical properties as a function of temperature for multicomponent Al-based alloys. Thermochimica Acta, v. 619, p. 1-7, 2015,

Silva, L.M., Nascimento, M., Gutiérrez, M.M., Torem, M., L., Castro, J.A., Avaliação da rota de redução do teor do elemento fósforo contido no minério de ferro através da técnica de aquecimento por energia de micro-ondas seguida de lixiviação ácida. Ciência e Tecnologia dos Materiais, v. 27, p. 63-72, 2015,

Demarque, R., Castro, J.A., Xavier, C.R., Almeida, D.S.S., Marcelo, C.J., Santos, E.P., Queiroz, A. V., Estudo Numérico e Experimental da Evolução Microestrutural e das Propriedades de Juntas Soldadas de Vergalhões pelo Processo GMAW. Revista Soldagem e Inspeção, v. 20, p. 434-445, 2015,

Silva, F. A., Rojas, E.E.G., Campos, M.F., Particle Size Analysis of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Coated by Polyethyleneglycol. Materials Science Forum, v. 820, p. 373-377, 2015,

Xavier, C.R., Delgado Júnior, H.G., Castro, J.A., An Experimental and Numerical Approach for the Welding Effects on the Duplex Stainless Steel Microstructure. Materials Research, v. 18, p. 489-502, 2015,


Mota, I.O., Castro, J.A., Casqueira, R.G., Oliveira Júnior, A.G., Study of electroflotation method for treatment of wastewater from washing soil contaminated by heavy metals. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 4, p. 109-113, 2014,

Campos, M.F., Romero, S.A., Aparecida, F.A.S., Castro, J.A., Hysteresis Modeling of Nanocrystalline NdFeB Magnets. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, v. 28, p. 847-859, 2014,

Zöllner, D., Rios, P.R., Investigating the von Neumann-Mullins relation under triple junction dragging. Acta Materialia, v. 70, p. 290-297, 2014,

Silva, A. J.S.T., Goldstein, H., Guesser, W.L., Campos, M.F., Quenching and partitioning heat treatment in ductile cast irons. Materials Research, v. 17, p. 1115-1123, 2014,

Guimarães, J.R.C., Rios, P.R., Martensite transformation in bulk and polycrystalline austenite. Journal of Materials Science, v. 49, p. 3816-3822, 2014,

Fredericci, C., Campos, M.F., Braga, A.P.V., Nazarre, R.V., Landgraf, F.J.G., Périgo, E.A., Nd-enriched particles prepared from NdFeB magnets: A potential separation route. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 615, p. 410-414, 2014,

Guimarães, B.H. D., Xavier, C.R., Castro, J.A., Campos, M.F., Marcelo, C.J., Efeito da energia de soldagem e da espessura do aço inoxidável duplex sobre as transformações na zona afetada pelo calor. Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo, v. 33, p. 1-4, 2014,

Mota, I.O., Silva, L.M., Castro, J.A., Predictions of Xylene Adsorption on Agglomerated Activated Carbon Pellets in a Fixed Bed Column. Materials Science Forum, v. 802, p. 636-641, 2014,

Campos, M.F., Romero, S.A., Silva, F.A.P., Castro, J.A., Hysteresis Modeling of Nanocrystalline NdFeB Magnets. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, v. 28, p. 847-850, 2014,

Antonio, P. P.C., Campos, M.F., Gerhardt, G. J.L., Missel, F.P., Sharp Increase of Hysteresis Area Due to Small Plastic Deformation Studied With Magnetic Barkhausen Noise. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v. 50, p. 1-4, 2014,

Souza, C.J.F., Ramos, A.V., Câmara, P.B.S., Gulão, E.S., Campos, M.F., Garcia-Rojas, E.E., Polymeric complexes obtained from the interaction of bovine serum albumin and κ-carrageenan. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 45, p. 286-290, 2014,

Castro, J.A., Campos, M.F., Influence of the Grain Size on the Dysprosium Diffusion in NdFeB Magnets. Materials Science Forum, v. 802, p. 546-551, 2014,

Rocha, E.P., Castro, J.A., Characterization and three-dimensional reconstruction of pores of self-reducing pellets done by EAF dust. Materials Research, v. 17, p. 47-55, 2014,

Rios, P.R., Drumond, G.S., Neves, T., Guimarães, J.R.C., Martensite Spread: Analytical Modeling and Computer Simulation. Materials Science Forum, v. 783-786, p. 2182-2187, 2014,

Lacerda, C.V., Ritter, E., Pires, J.A.C., Castro, J.A., Migration of inorganic ions from the leachate of the Rio das Ostras landfill: A comparison of three different configurations of protective barriers. Waste Management, v. 34, p. 2285-2291, 2014,

Silva, F.A.S., Rojas, E.E.G., Rodrigues, G.F., Silva, B.F.A., Campos, M.F., Synthesis and Characterization of Biocompatible Fe3O4 for Use in Cell Hyperthermia. Materials Science Forum, v. 775-776, p. 476-481, 2014,

Souza, D.S., Assis, W. L. S., Rios, P.R., Stereological analysis of the microstructure of pure iron with random nucleation. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 3, p. 349-353, 2014,

Ferreira, A.F., Temperature Prediction at the Blow End of the Converter via Control Model, Advanced Materials Research, v. 1025-1026, p. 298-301, 2014,

Ferreira, A.F., Castro, J.A., Phase Field Simulations of Dendritic Crystal Growth with Focus on the Computational Efficiency, Advanced Materials Research, v. 1025-1026, p. 745-748, 2014,

Silva, L.M., Nascimento, M., Castro, J.A., Mota, I.O., Avaliação da utilização da energia de micro-ondas para processo de remoção do teor de fósforo contido no minério de ferro, Holos, v. 3, p. 245, 2014,

Medeiros, N., Moreira, L.P., Upper-bound analysis of die corner gap formation for strain-hardening materials in ECAP process. Computational Materials Science, v. 91, p. 350-358, 2014,

Medeiros, N., Moreira, L.P., Non-isothermal analysis of die corner gap formation for materials deformed by multi-pass ECAP. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, v. 63, p. 0120351-01203510, 2014,

Melo-Silva, C.L., Carvalho, C.F., Melo-Silva, T.C.F., Freitas, R.X., Silva, F.R.F. Lins, J.F.C., ,Analysis of the Y-TZP Ceramic Substucture in Blasting with Aluminum Oxide before and after Sintering. Materials Science Forum, v. 805, p. 576-580, 2014,

Santos, C., Habibe, A.F., Rodrigues, D., Minatti, J.C., Lins, J.F.C., Microstructural Characterization of 66%Co-28%Cr-6%Mo Dental Alloy Powder Obtained by High-Energy Ball Milling. Materials Science Forum, v. 802, p. 51-55, 2014,

Oliveira, E. M., Valadão, I.C.R.P., Araújo, A. S.F., Castro, J.A., Application of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) in Aqueous Solutions of TiO2. Materials Science Forum, v. 802, p. 624-629, 2014,

Freitas, M.C.S., Castro, J.A., Moreira, L.P., Vitoretti, F.P., Densification Behaviour Modelling for Metallic Powders. Materials Science Forum, v. 802, p. 317-322, 2014,

Castro, J.A., Ferreira, A.F., Campos, M.F., Ferreira, I.L., Modeling a Compact Sintering Process Based on Biomass Fuels. Advanced Materials Research, v. 902, p. 33-40, 2014,


Castro, J.A., Nath, N., França, A.B., Guilherme, V. S., Sazaki, Y., Analysis by multiphase multicomponent model of iron ore sintering based on alternative steelworks gaseous fuels. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, v. 39, p. 605-613, 2013,

Freitas, M.C.S., Moreira, L.P., Garcez, R. Experimental analysis and theoretical predictions of the limit strains of a hot-dip galvanized interstitial-free steel sheet. Materials Research, v. 16, p. 351-366, 2013,

Nascimento, W.C., Cardoso, M.C., Moreira, L.P., Simulação numérica do primeiro passe de laminação a frio de uma tira de aço C-MN. Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 10, p. 35-42, 2013,

Corrêa, R.D., Meireles, J. B., Huguenin, J.A.O., Caetano, D.P., Silva, L., Fractal structure of digital speckle patterns produced by rough surfaces. Physica. A, v. 392, p. 869-874, 2013,

Franco, F. A., González, M.F.R., Campos, M.F., Padovese, L.R., Relation Between Magnetic Barkhausen Noise and Hardness for Jominy Quench Tests in SAE 4140 and 6150 Steels. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, v. 32, p. 93-103, 2013,

Rios, P.R., Villa, E., On the Generalisation of JMAK’s Theory. Materials Science Forum, v. 753, p. 137-142, 2013,

Oliveira, A.C.L., Rios, P.R., A novel iron enrichment isothermal kinetic model proposal for galvanneal coatings. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 2, p. 117-124, 2013,

Périgo, E.A., Silva, F.A.S., Campos, M.F., On the specific absorption rate of hyperthermia fluids. Applied Physics Letters, v. 103, p. 264107, 2013,

Oliveira, S.C., Assis, W.L.S., Villa, E., Rios, P.R., Computer simulation of simultaneous evolution of individual texture components During recrystallization of an IF steel. Materials Research, v. 16, p. 1195-1202, 2013,

Souza, C.J.F., Garcia-Rojas, E. E., Melo, N.R., Gaspar, A., Lins, J.F.C., Complex coacervates obtained from interaction egg yolk lipoprotein and polysaccharides. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 30, p. 375-381, 2013,

Zilnyk, K.D., Leite, G.S., Sandim, H.R.Z., Rios, P.R., Grain growth inhibition by connected porosity in sintered niobium. Acta Materialia, v. 61, p. 5821-5828, 2013,

Guimarães, J.R.C., Rios, P.R., Modeling Lath Martensite Transformation Curve. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, v. 44, p. 2-4, 2013,

Silva, F.A.S., Castro, N.A., Campos, M.F., Modeling hysteresis curves of anisotropic SmCoFeCuZr magnets. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 328, p. 53-57, 2013,

Guimarães, J.R.C., Rios, P.R., Microstructural Analysis of the Martensite Volume Fraction. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, v. 44, p. 147-151, 2013,

Romero, S.A., Campos, M.F., Castro, J.A., Moreira, A.J., Landgraf, F.J.G., Microstructural changes during the slow-cooling annealing of nanocrystalline SmCo 2:17 type magnets. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 551, p. 312-317, 2013,

Xavier, C.R., Campos, M.F., Castro, J.A., Numerical method applied to duplex stainless steel welding. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, v. 40, p. 420-429, 2013,

Castro, J.A., França, A.B., Guilherme, V. S., Sazaki, Y., Estudo numérico da influência de propriedades de amolecimento e fusão na cinética de formação de (CaFe2O4-Ca2Fe2O5) na sinterização de minério de ferro, Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, v. 10, p. 17-27, 2013,

Campos, M.F., Silva, F.A.S., Périgo, E.A., Castro, J.A., Stoner-Wohlfarth model for the anisotropic case. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 345, p. 147-152, 2013,

Rocha, E.P., Guilherme, V. S., Castro, J.A., Sazaki, Y., Yagi, J., Analysis of synthetic natural gas injection into charcoal blast furnace. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 2, p. 255-262, 2013,

Castro, J.A., Araújo, G. M., Mota, I.O., Sazaki, Y., Analysis of the combined injection of pulverized coal and charcoal into large blast furnaces. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 2, p. 308-314, 2013,

Vitoretti, F.P., Castro, J.A., Study of the induration phenomena in single pellet to traveling grate furnace. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 02, p. 315-322, 2013,

Castro, J.A., Pereira, J.L., Guilherme, V. S., Rocha, E.P., França, A.B., Model predictions of PCDD and PCDF emissions on the iron ore sintering process based on alternative gaseous fuels. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 2, p. 323-331, 2013,

Lee, W-H, Park, J-O, Lee, J-S, Castro, J.A., Sazaki, Y., Solid state steelmaking by decarburisation of rapidly solidified high carbon iron sheet. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, v. 39, p. 530-534, 2013,

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