Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Metalúrgica
The labs are located in the Metallurgical and Industrial Engineering of Volta Redonda (EEIMVR), Vila Santa Cecília campus, and the Exact Sciences Institute (ICEx/UFF) at the Aterrado campus. The central research infrastructure was granted through institutional projects (CT-INFRA-PROINFRA/Finep/MCT and Pró-equipamentos/CAPES) and research projects from FAPERJ and CNPq. In particular, the multi-user platform laboratories under the supervision of the PPGEM Professores follow the regulations of the Management Program of Multi-user Equipment (PROGEM) of the Federal Fluminense University (UFF). Also, the PPGEM shares the research and undergraduate labs coordinated by the Mechanical (VEM) and Metallurgical and Materials (VMT) Departments of UFF.